Friday, February 25, 2011

Getting Amped

I know, I know. I coined that from The Kids Are All Right. Hey, it's a cool (and new) phrase, for me at least.

Why? Maybe it's because we just feel a little a like that sometimes (getting amped), but we don't want to admit it even though we love it, of course. Yeah, you know... remember that time when you threw a party at your mom's place... or the time when you dived off a cliff with bunch of other crazy dudes? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!

If we look at this in a 'rational' sort of way, we wouldn't realize that we're having great fun. And after all, that's what everyone wants and NEEDS, right? Still, during the aftermath, we all get that empty feeling as if to say, "Hey, we had a fantastic time. But, well now, for the hangover... *sigh*".

So is it worth it then? Even it seems a tad pointless in the end, do we really still want to have fun? Forgive me, if I'm being a killjoy. Because, by hook or by crook, given a choice between fun-and-pointless or no fun-but-steady, I would choose the former. Hell, it's easier said than done, huh?

Friday, February 18, 2011

What? Can't I choose my own path?

YOU are walking down the street, and suddenly, you see someone familiar. But, oh no, you don't want to meet that person at all. But hey, the normal thing to do would be to greet that fella and see 'how things go'. Hmm, you think. Nah, I better just walk in the other direction.

Unfortunately, you'll always be known as the introvert among extroverts. But, strangely enough, you want to hang out with your pals, but the thing is... sometimes, you'd rather be alone, right? See here, guys. Are we actually what we do? What if I stole something, but I don't like stealing? Does that make me a thief? Or, does that make people think I'm a thief? Why should we all be judged based on what everyone thinks of us? And yes, you and I know we definitely affected by what people say about us, one way or another. One would guess that's how 'the world works', like what old-fashioned fathers/grandpas would tell us.

And yes, fortunately, we can to choose to interpret what is said. No, really, if you say I'm an idiot for writing this, I'm like, "Wow, you actually read my stuff. I'm impressed."

I'm sure, right about now, this is going to a little corny or cheesy. But, please, what we do may not reflect who we are. Now, walk down a street, shall we?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Jumping The Gun

I guess you've heard about incidents where someone is impatient and does something utterly foolish, right? He jumped the gun, that's what he did.

Now, jumping the gun can ean only two things. Sheer stupidity or sheer BRILLIANCE. Obviously, it's not easy trying to achieve something great if we are always impulsive. But, the good thing is, we have a choice. A choice in the end to actually choose whether we want to move in, or move in smartly.

We are always at crossroads, right? So, we have to make choices, which is JUST great. What if we fail? What if we succeed? What if nothing happens? Oh, shmucks. Rule number 1: Do not be too harsh on ourselves. Rule number 2: Take your time. Making decisions are just as important as anything else. Never compromise. (And that's rule number 3)

So, your move. Jump the gun?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Letting it in One at a Time

When we're trying to resist something, it's hard. Yeah, it ain't easy trying to protect ourselves against something. Anyway, the thing about resisting is that once you give in a bit, wham!

Justifying our cause is certainly predictable. I mean, just because I WANT to punch someone because he's my lousy boss doesn't mean I HAVE to. Yes, I know... he gives you hell. Still...

But, what if we do punch him? Or at least show a little anger, say, by barging his shoulder while he's holding a stack of papers? Temporary respite. That's obviously what's going to happen for us. The point is, in the end, we are still going to end up puching the guy, so what the hell? Why go through the shoulder-barging? Unnecessary.

As a matter of fact, don't do it. It might seem the best solution, but not a long-term one. Either punch him, or even things out with him. Period.

Review of The Week!

Movie : The Avengers (2012)

Awe-inducing, funny and action-packed, this could be the superhero movie of the year (not that there are many).

It is unusual for directors to modify the genre of superhero movies. To be precise, if we are looking for some popcorn entertainment, Joss Whedon could have easily turned this into a full-blown alien-versus-superhero affair (that actually would not be too bad). Interestingly to note however, he does not. With an affinity to blend action scenes with tongue-in-cheek humor, he balances the tone of the movie to be both rewarding and most definitely, superhero-themed.

There are plenty of noteworthy things you can brag about this movie. The cinematography, the script, the visuals, the cast, the production design. Surely though, there would be one or two flaws, but they are not really meant to be called 'flaws' per se. Bending the laws of physics, 'saving the world' is saving the US and how Hulk manages to comply to orders are just some of the minor 'flaws'. These are probably things that you would just like to ignore for the sake of giving the director the benefit of the doubt.

It is quite evident that Whedon has made this film his own. He incorporates humor into almost every scene, as if things are not to be taken too seriously in the world of The Avengers. And it should be like that. Again, the emphasis on superhero movies usually lie on destruction, life-saving and personalization of characters. But here, there is some of that, but not completely. No chessy lines. No rushed pacing. No cliche-ridden narrative. (Just Loki speaking in a not-so-sharp English accent.)

The movie can also be likened to last year's Deathly Hallows (Part 2); a lot of hype, and duly delivered. At least we could expect how the last Harry Potter movie was meant to be : an emotional, epic battle. The Avengers did deliver but there is something different to the whole theme that somehow manages to change our view on how superhero movies should be in the future. Is it Robert Downey Junior's Shakespearean jab at Thor? Or is the excellent cinematography of sticking to single shots instead of quick-fire editing? Heck, it could even be Scarlett Johansson's semi-obscene display of bust. Anyhow the movie is a success, most definitely.

Unprecedented, now that is one word to decribe Joss Whedon's take on a superhero movie.

Personally*... Stay in your seats till the end; there are rumors that an extra scene is added to the US version of The Avengers, for compensation of the late release.

Spark of inspiration?