I'm sure you've heard that one before.. now please, hear it one more time. You cannot please everybody! Everytime you do something, everytime you say something, there's definitely somebody who hates you. Believe it or not, that's good. Yeah, goooooood. Why?
Now you may wonder, why everyone loves bringing this up. Simply, maybe it's because we all know, at some point, we mustn't lose track of who we are just because someone tells us we're no good. Sure, I've got people telling me, " Go F*** O** " or " Eh, idiot boy, you suck MAN" . But, you probably think I'm gonna say, " No, man, you have to prove them wrong," or something like that.. well, no, this time, I feel you should know how to follow your instincts a bit. It's like what I'm telling you now, do this or do that.. but most importantly, you gotta know WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU!
You don't wanna dress up like Lady Gaga, but you know it's cool. It's hippy, it's current and it's way more expensive than what your friends are wearing. Now comes the sad truth. You don't want to wear it. Because it feels so "la-la" and so tight, so weird, and so not you. Boy oh boy, didn't take you so long to realize that, huh?
Some called him a freak when he became president. But you cannot please everyone.