What are we to say that we don't need time to improve? I'll keep it short this time.
It's not easy doing something new. And boy, did I realize that. But sooner or later, I knew that it needed more time. I knew some things needed more time. TIME.
And patience too. You see, everything takes some sinking in. It's like trying to play a new sport. It all takes a little time. Man, I can't keep repeating this. So, what's the point? Well, I would like to say that there is no point, but that's not what this is all about, is it?
All I'm saying is when we are trying to so something, new or not, we need time. If you could just imagine what would happen when we are given more time to do something, we can improve ourselves. Get better. Stronger. And obviously, not giving up. Ah-ha! So that's what I was looking for.
Yes, ladies and gents, it's about not giving up too. What can we say about that? Hmm, I reckon, if given enough time, we can actually develop that feeling of doggedness. Got that? By doggedness, I mean, determination.
I'm probably pushing it by now. So, take some time to stick in there, guys. Period.
The writer feels absurd by the very nature of time and determination. If you do not know what to say, just leave a quickie in the shoutbox below. Or email me at adler_ng@hotmail.com.