Sometimes, when you are down, you are down, make no mistake. Here's the thing, why do keep telling yourself you're down?
It is because you ARE in fact down and probably out? Or is it because of your self-inflicting feel-sorry-for-yourself attitude? Or maybe, you just haven't asked yourself that, and you're still in denial? Well, it doesn't matter which, but what. You need to know why you're down. Being stuck in the middle really sucks.
Essentially, lets look at the possibilities. Why, of all the things to think about, are you even trying to think that you're down? Wait, before that...
Is it possible for us to abstain from the questions of pessimism and optimism? No, it's not balance we're talking about here. More like, focusing on the best of both worlds. (By worlds, of course, I meant, the positives and the negatives, the good and bad, blah blah blah...)
So, back to the why of the 'down' mentality. The quite-the-opposite question would certainly be, why not find out why we keep thinking we're on the ascending (in other words, not feeling down)? Is it because we're preparing ourselves for the worst possible scenario?
Alright, we do have to realize that these questions rarely do matter unless we take a stand on something. (Cliche, but effective.) So, take a stand.