Yeah, it's definitely getting a little dirty down here... wait, isn't a cliche?
It probably is, but hey, nobody seems to mind, right? Because, you see, sometimes, no wait, (considering that these are bleak times indeed) all the time, we tend to overlook the demeanor at which we are in at the moment. Simple put, we can't see what we can, and hence, we can take or salvage what we can. We are oblivious, and yet still stubborn enough to say, "I'm alright, and I ain't gonna beg."
Do we really need anger to claw our way out of troubles? |
Which dubs us as none other than a lunatic, a fool, and an idiot. Wow! To be frank, we actually knew this was coming. The notion of us being none other than ignorant, rambling cowards, afraid to make a move. But, I guess, as they - who are they, really? - say, ignorance is bliss. As long as our needs or satisfactions are satiated, we are fed well, and happy.
So why are like this? Why don't we start looking ourselves in the mirror and go hostile on ourselves? Why don't we just tell ourselves, "Enough is enough. It's high time we reconsider and grab whatever that's left in the rubble." (I mean, whatever rubble-like situation you can think of or possibly be in.)
We are vain beings, which is good when we are trying our best to learn from our abject failures, but damagingly bad, when we are ahead, and looking to better our successes. There tends to be something that will catch us off-guard, and we are likely to brush it off, thinking it as a non-problematic "thing". But one day, when it all seems so merrily fine... BAM.
And then, it's time to salvage and scratch and claw our way out...